Case No. 4438
Only the Complaint of this case exists. The case was never decided by the court (see Case 4427).
In the District Court of the 17th Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the County of Los Angeles
Case 4438
R.S. Baker
The California Star Oil Works Company, a Corporation, F.B. Taylor, D.G. Scofield, John Doe, Richard Doe, Smith Doe and Brown Doe
The plaintiff above named complains of the said defendants and for cause alleges:
That the defendant, the California Star Oil Works Company is now, and was at the time hereinafter stated, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of California.
That on the 12th day of April 1876 plaintiff was the owner possessed and entitled to the possession and now is the owner and entitled to the possession of the following described property situated in the County of Los Angeles in the State of California and particularly described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point five hundred (500) feet due East from what is known as the Pico Oil Springs, said point being a stake marked No. 1: from thence running North five hundred (500) feet to a stake marked No. 2: thence West one thousand (1000) feet to a stake marked No. 3: thence South on thousand (1000) feet to a stake marked No. 4: thence East on thousand (1000) feet to a stake marked No. 5: thence North five hundred (500) feet to a stake marked No. 1, the place of beginning, the same being one thousand feet of what is known as the Pico Oil Spring claim.
That the defendants now are, and since the 19th day of April 1878, have been in the possession of said premises, and said defendants now unlawfully and wrongfully withhold and detain, and ever since said 19th day of April 1878 have unlawfully and wrongfully withheld and detained, the said described premises from said plaintiff, to plaintiff’s damage in the sum of one thousand dollars.
That the value of the rents, issues, and profits of said premises during the time defendants have withheld the possession thereof from plaintiff as aforesaid is, and has been, the sum of ten thousand dollars per month.
Therefore, plaintiff prays judgment against the said defendants for the recovery of the possession of said described premises, and for the sum of one thousand dollars, damages for the detention thereof, together with the sum of ten thousand dollars per month, the value of the rents, issues, and profits of said premises and for the costs of suit.
Brunson & Eastman
Thomas & Ross
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Filed April 22, 1878