Abandonment Cleanup Work
After the wells were abandoned, the cleanup crew collected all the old pipes, cables, and anything else they could find between Sewell & Powell 12 and the highway 14 Los Pinetos undercrossing. All this stuff was trashed. They did leave the largest relic behind - the old steam boiler. They also pulled out the A-frame derrick, which was once mounted on a truck, and moved it near the Whitney Canyon ranger's house.

Large trash bin filled with pipes, cables, and other trash. (12/31/2011)

Tank from the Squaw Flat well site. Ready for the trash bin. (12/30/2011)

Tank from the Sewell & Powell 12 well site. For a while it was under the 14 freeway in the Los Pinetos undercrossing, but it would eventually be taken over to the Whitney Canyon ranger to be stored. (12/30/2011)

Preparing the A-frame derrick for pulling. (1/9/2012)

Beginning to be pulled up the hill. (1/9/2012)

Up the hill. (1/9/2012)

Nearing the top. Pulling being done by a backhoe. (1/9/2012)

At the large flat area near the jack plant with another tank. (1/9/2012)


Inspection by crew. (1/9/2012)

Still in pretty good shape. (1/9/2012)

Slightly bent at the base. (1/9/2012)

In front of the ranger's house in Whitney Canyon. (1/11/2012)

This large tank and other object was visible from the freeway. (12/24/2011)

On 1/5/2012 it was dragged up the hill and cut into pieces

Then it was trashed. (1/11/2012)