Squaw Flat 1 Abandonment
The Squaw Flat 1 well was drilled in 1911 and bought by E.A. Clampitt in 1912. From the DOGGR abandonment report from Excalibur Well Services, here is what was done:
12/6/11: Worked well cap loose and removed. No rods or tubing in well, used mirror to look in well. Well is clear for several hundred feet. Re-install well head cap and rig down equipment.
12/9/11: Installed retrievable bridge plug in well and filled well with water. Welder installed top plate and collar. Crew removed bridge plug and installed ball valve and closed in well.
12/13/11: Move in rig up 1.5" coil and cement equipment. Run in hole with coil and tag at 525 feet. Could not get water until morning, pull out of hold and close in well.
12/14/11: Run in hole with 1.5" coil and tag at 525 feet. Circulated water and tagged at 541 feet. Mixed and pumped 120 cubic feet of class G cement and pulled out of hole. Estimated top of cement at 225 feet.
12/15/11: Run in hole with 1.5" coil and tag at 315 feet. Mix and pump 140 cubic feet of cement, cement did not come to surface. Pull out of hole.
12/16/11: Run in hole with 1.5" coil and tag at 55 feet. Mix and pump 30 cubic feet of class G cement to the surface. Pulled out of hole, washed up equipment and moved off location.
12/28/11: Dug up well head to 5 feet from surface and cut off.
12/29/11: Surface crew welded the API plate to the casing with the # 037-13236 and restored the location.

View of well on 2/16/2008

View of the site on 11/28/2008 after the Sayre fire

The start of the newly regraded road up to the well site (11/26/2011)

On the road up to the well site (11/26/2011)

Graded road at the well site (11/26/2011)

Reverse view (11/26/2011)

View of all the trucks in the afternoon after the days work has been done. This is at the bottom of the road up to Squaw Flat 1. (12/17/2011)

Looking down on Squaw Flat 1 (12/17/2011)

Zooming in from same position as last photo (12/17/2011)

From the site itself, the tank has been squashed and waste oil has been placed in the blue plastic container (12/17/2011)

Another view (12/17/2011)

Closer view of wellhead (12/17/2011)

This was removed from the wellhead (12/17/2011)

The contents of the blue container have been removed. Kind of looks like jello. (12/20/2011)

Another view showing the crushed tank (12/20/2011)

Closer view of wellhead still with some waste oil (12/20/2011)

Not much changed since 12/20 except that the top pipe section on the inner casing has been removed (12/24/2011)

Closer view of wellhead (12/24/2011)

No change from 12/24 (12/27/2011)

The well has finally been capped and buried. All the junk has been removed. (12/31/2011)

Another view of site (12/31/2011)

Marker sign has been placed (1/14/2012)

Closer view of sign. It should have read Squaw Flat 1. (1/14/2012)