There are many different specialized trucks used for well abandonment. Here are some that I saw during this abandonment.

Excalibur - the company that did the abandonment work

Coiled tubing truck

Close up of tube reel on the right, the curved goose-neck or guide arch, and the injector head

Truck mounted cementing unit

Other side

Bulk cement truck

Side of bulk cement truck

Bulk dry cement tank truck

With dry cement you need a water tank truck

Rear of water tank truck

On the flat area near the jack plant a cementing truck and a bulk cement truck are parked

Front view of the two trucks

Rear view

Back hoe


Boom truck. The boom is used to pick up heavy objects.

Boom truck trailer

Boom truck and trailer. These were used to transport the old abandoned A-frame derrick to the ranger's house.

Small water tank trailer