Adam Malezewski to Los Angeles Petroleum Refining Company
Los Angeles County Recorder's Office
Deeds, Book 41, Pages 560-562
County of Los Angeles, State of California - October 24, 1873.
Know all men by these presents that I do hereby obligate myself my heirs and assigns for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar, gold coin to me in hand paid, the receipt where is hereby acknowledged, to give a good and sufficient deed to two acres of land situated on my tract which I now own and occupy known as Petroliopolis or Lyons Station and about two miles beyond San Fernando Pass. The particular locality of said two acres is about one hundred and fifty yards north of my house and store and on the west side of the County road. The same to be surveyed in a shape to suit the convenience of the Los Angeles Petroleum Refining Company to whom I hereby bind myself to give the deed.
The said deed is to hold good and valid so long as the said Company continue to refine petroleum and use the works and ground for that purpose. But if the said Company should choose to remove their works or abandon the refining business then the said deed is to be null and void and the rights of the two acres of land is to revert back to me.
I also bind myself to give to said Company the constant use of one inch of water to be conveyed from my spring to their works at the expense of the Company. It is also agreed that the said Company are not to cut or use any of the timber on my place at any time without my consent unless timber or trees should stand in the way of the Refining works. To all of which I hereby subscribe my name and affix my seal in presence of Witness David W. Alexander.
Adam Malezewski
State of California, County of Los Angeles. On this twenty-seventh day of January A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, before me, J.J. Warner a Notary Public in and for the said Los Angeles County, duly commissioned and sworn, and residing therein, personally appeared David W. Alexander, known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument, as a witness thereto, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and said: that he resides in Wilmington, Los Angeles County, State of California, that he was present and saw Adam Malezewski, personally known to him, to be the same person described in and who executed the said instrument, as party thereto, sign seal and deliver the same, and that the said Adam Malezewski acknowledged in the presence of said affiant, that he executed the same and that he, the said affiant thereupon subscribed his name thereto as a witness. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my office in the said County of Los Angeles, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
J.J. Warner Notary Public
A full, true and correct copy of the original, recorded at request of J.J. Warner January 27th A.D. 1876 at 35 mins past 4 P.M.
J.W. Gillette Co. Recorder
by Chas. E. Parker Deputy