Lease from Jose Y. Del Valle to Henry C. Wiley, May 28, 1864
Los Angeles County Recorder's Office, Leases, Book 2, Pages 171-172:
Jose Y[gnacio] Del Valle to Henry C. Wiley
This Indenture made the 28 day of May in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty four. Witnesseth that I, Jose Ygnacio Del Valle, do hereby lease, demise and let unto Henry C Wiley of Los Angeles County the following described property in Los Angeles County, State of California, to wit: All that portion of the Rancho or tract of land known as San Francisco, granted by Governor Alvarado to Antonio Del Valle, which is known as Tochenanga and now occupied by said lessee Wiley, extending from and including certain springs of water about 1 1/2 miles north of the house now occupied by said Wiley as his residence, as far as the south boundary of said Rancho San Francisco.
To Hold for the term of five years from the 5th day of March 1864 to the 5th day of March 1869 yielding and paying therefor the rent of two hundred dollars per annum. And the said Lessee promises to pay said rent as follows to wit: semiannually, in advance of which $125 has already been paid, leaving $75 to be paid on September 5, 1864, and $100 each six months thereafter and to quit and deliver up the premises to the Lessor or his Attorney peaceably and quietly at the end of the term in as good order and condition (reasonable use and wearing thereof excepted) as the same are now or may be put into, and to pay the rent as above stated during the term. Also the rent as above stated, for such further time as the Lesse may hold the same and not make or suffer any waste thereof, or make or suffer to be made, any alteration therein, but with the approbation of the Lessor thereto in writing, having been first obtained and that the Lessor may enter to view and make improvements, and to expel the Lessee if he shall fail to pay the rent as aforesaid, or make or suffer any strip or waste thereof.
And should default be made in the payment of any portion of said rent, when due and for three days thereafter, the said Lessor, his agent or attorney may reenter and take possession and at his option terminate this lease. And if any partition of said Rancho of San Francisco by which he portion above leased to said Wiley shall not fall to the said Lessor, then this lease shall, after the date which the said Wiley ceases to have possession hereunder, be void.
Witness my hand and seal the date first above written
Jose Ygnacio del Valle ((Seal))
H. C. Wiley ((Seal))
James H Lander
Notary Public
A full true and correct copy of the original recorded this 28 day of May A.D. 1864 at 5PM at request of H.C. Wiley
Thos D. Mott, Co Recorder
By Frank Lecouverur, Deputy