Deed from Sanford Lyon to Adam Malezewski, October 11, 1871
Los Angeles County Recorder's Office, Deeds, Book 18, Pages 199-200:
Sanford Lyon to Adam Malezewski
Bill of Sale. This is to certify that I have this the 11th day of October AD 1871, bargained and sold to Adam Malezewsky all of my right, title and interest in and to all of the hay, hogs, chickens, farming tools, houses, and household furniture and also all of my right, title and interest in and to the lands and improvements thereon, granted to me in a certain Lease or Indenture made the 2nd day of December AD 1869 recorded in Los Angeles County Book 14 of Deeds page 161 by the said Adam Malezewsky to Sanford Lyon for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand dollars ($1000) payments as follows to wit: Two hundred dollars cash down, one hundred dollars paid each month for six months after date of this bill of sale, and two hundred dollars to be paid at the expiration of twelve months from the date hereof, all of which to be paid in U.S. gold coin. Petroliopolis, October 11th, 1871.
Sanford Lyon
Chr. Leaming
John Keegan
State of California, County of Los Angeles
On this nineteenth day of October AD one thousand eight hundred and seventy one before me James H. Lander a Notary Public in and for said County, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared the within named Sanford Lyon whose name is subscribed to the annexed Instrument as a party thereto, personally known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the said annexed Instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
James H. Lander, Notary Public
A full, true and correct copy of the original recorded at the request of J.H. Lander 19 Oct 1871 at 2hrs PM.
T.D. Mott, Recorder
by C.W. Fried, Deputy