Deed from the Philadelphia & California Petroleum Company to Adam Malezewski, November 30, 1871
Los Angeles County Recorder's Office, Deeds, Book 18, pp. 444-446:
Philadelphia & California Petroleum Co.
A. Malezewski
This indenture, made the thirtieth day of November One thousand eight hundred and seventy one Between the Philadelphia and California Petroleum Company, a body duly incorporated by the law of Pennsylvania, by its Attorney in fact Thomas R. Bard, the party of the first part, and Adam Malezewski of the County of Los Angeles and State of California of the second part.
Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of three thousand Dollars gold coin of the United States of America to its said Attorney in hand paid by the said party of the second part, at or before the unsealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant, bargain and sell unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever, all that certain tract or parcel of land, situate in the County of Los Angeles, State of California being part of the Rancho San Francisco finally confirmed to Jacoba Feliz et al, as surveyed in December 1859 by Henry Hancock U.S. Deputy Surveyor, and bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning at an oak tree, about thirty six inches in diameter, on the East side of the Road in the San Fernando Pass marked with a large cross on its Western side, and with "L1" on its Northern side, and distant about half a mile in a northerly direction from Station No. 5 of said Hancock’s Survey, and running thence North 77 degs. West twenty four 65/100 chains to a point; thence North 22 degs. 46 min. West twenty one 28/100 chains to a point; thence North 10 degs. 13 min. East fifty four 48/100 chains to Station four (4) from which an oak tree marked BT3 in a small canyon bears South 75 degs. 52 mins. East two 54/100 chains; thence North 79 degs. 48 mins. West, twenty four 79/100 chains to a sycamore tree marked No. 4, at the head of a small canyon; thence North 38 ½ degs. East forty chains to station from which an oak tree marked BT5 bears South 38 ½ degs. West seven 95/100 chains; thence South 48 degs. 02 min. East fifty three 18/100 chains to a post marked No. 6; thence North 86 degs. East six 04/100 chains to a small sycamore tree, marked No. 7; thence South 8 degs. East ten 41/100 chains to post marked No. 8; thence West seven 77/100 chains to post in mound of rocks; thence South 28 degs. 41 min. West twenty eight 10/100 chains to station on high bluffs; thence South 6 ½ degs. West forty 91/100 chains to place of beginning, containing three hundred and eighty one 66/100 acres.
Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well as in law as in equity, of said party of the first part, of, in or to the above described premises, and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances. To have and to hold, all and singular the above mentioned and described premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of
The Philadelphia and California Petroleum Company By its Attorney in fact Thomas R. Bard
State of California, County of Los Angeles
On this first (1st) day of December AD One thousand eight hundred and seventy one, personally appeared before me, E.M. Ross a Notary Public in and for the said County, Thomas R. Bard, personally known to me to be the same person described in and who executed by Power of Attorney the annexed instrument as the Attorney, in fact of, The Philadelphia and California Petroleum Company named in the annexed instrument as party thereto, and therein described as the party executing the same by its said Attorney, and the said Thomas R. Bard acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily and for the act and deed of the said Philadelphia and California Petroleum Company, and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. In witness hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this Certificate first above written.
E.M. Ross, Notary Public
A full and correct copy of the original recorded at the request of A. Malezewski Dec. 1 AD 1871 at 15 minutes past 4 P.M.
T. D. Mott, Recorder