Lease from Oliver P. Robbins to Peter Jorgenson & Andrew J. Kraszynski, July 21, 1873
Robbins to Jorgenson & Krazynski
Know all men by these presents:
That I, Oliver P. Robbins of the County of Los Angeles State of California, for and in consideration of the sum of one thousand dollars in United States gold coin to me in hand paid by Peter Jorgenson and Andrew J. Kraszynski of said County and State, and also for and in consideration of three certain promissory notes made by the said Peter Jorgenson and Andrew J. Krazynski, one for the sum of $600 payable on the first day of March next, one for the sum of $500 payable on the first day of next January, and one for the sum of $500 payable on the first day of October next, have sold, assigned, transferred, and set over and by these presents do sell, assign, transfer, and set over unto the said Peter Jorgenson and Andrew J. Kraszynsky the following specified interest acquired by me under and by virtue of a certain indenture of lease, bearing date the sixth day of August A.D. 1872 made by Adam Malezewski of the said County of Los Angeles, to me, the said Oliver P. Robbins, which said lease was recorded and is of record in said office of the County Recorder of the said County of Los Angeles in 3 of Leases, page 109, and to which reference is hereby made, the following being the interest hereby transferred and set over to the said Peter Jorgenson and Andrew J. Kraszynski, namely all the interest thereby acquired by me in and to the land described in said indenture of lease and also the entire stock of merchandise in the store situated upon said premises, the household and kitchen furniture thereon, the farming utensils, carpenter tools and all the hay now being on the said premises.
To have and to hold the same unto the said Peter Jorgensen and Andrew J. Kraszynsky, their executors, administrators and assigns from this day for and during all the rest, residue and remainder of and in the term mentioned in the said indenture of lease, and upon the terms and conditions therein specified and set forth, the said Peter Jorgenson and Andrew J. Kraszynsky being substitute for me, the said Oliver P. Robbins, as to the interest hereinbefore specifically stated.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty first day of July AD 1873
O.P. Robbins
State of California County of Los Angeles
On this twenty first day of July AD one thousand eight hundred and seventy three before me, E.M. Ross a Notary Public in and for the said County of Los Angeles, personally appeared O.P. Robbins known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument and the said O.P. Robbins acknowledged to me that he executed that same. In withness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my office in the said County of Los Angeles the day and year in this certificate first above written.
E.M. Ross, Notary Public
A full, true and correct copy of the original recorded at request of A.J. Kraszynski July 22 1873 at 45 min. past 10 A.M.
A.W. Potts, Recorder