Miscellanous Photos

Credit to Newhall Film

"Panorama of Potrero Canyon" from James Edmundson Caltech thesis, 1947 (see Sources). View towards the northwest.

From World PetroleumFrom Oil & Gas Journal, December, 1941, Vol. 12 No. 13.

From Oil & Gas Journal, December 1, 1949.

From Oil & Gas Journal, December 1, 1949.

From the Los Angeles Times, January 27, 1963. Caption: "Money Makers - Oil and cattle mix well as the above shot taken at Newhall Ranch demonstrates." Image from the Los Angeles Times Photographic Archive (Collection 1429), UCLA Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles.

September 2007 photo of RSF 32 from its well records. RSF 32 was first abandoned in 1981. The well records stated that the casing was cut off five feet below ground level. However, in 2007 during remediation work, this was found to be false (as shown in the photo) and the well had to be reabandoned.

The next two photos were taken on November 22, 2017, showing the recently abandoned site of RSF 77. They were located in the well records of RSF 77. This well was spudded on August 21, 1948, and completed on November 15, 1948, at a depth of 9180 feet (in the 5th zone). Its initial production was 507 b/d, but after 6 days, its production fell to 219 b/d. It last produced in 1989 with 6 b/d. Abandonment was done in September of 2017.

The foreground shows the cleaned-up site of RSF 77. The pump in the background is on a different well.

Looking in the opposite direction.