Pico Canyon Memories of Bill Rundberg
Bill Rundberg lived in Pico Canyon with his family from 1948 - 1953. He last visited in 1994 after the Northridge earthquake. I first emailed him in December of 2008 with questions about the Wickhams and the Larinans for my Wickham Canyon website. Not only did he provide information about them, but he also provided more memories of Pico Canyon including some pictures.
He wrote his "Special Memories of Pico Canyon" story in 1997, which is available on the Santa Clarita Valley History in Pictures website (accessible from below.) Here are more of his memories slightly edited by me from numerous emails to create one continuous story. Also included is his account of his 1990 visit to Mentryville with his wife Sherrean when they were filming a movie called "UFO Cafe."
His Wickham/Larinan memories are on my Wickham Canyon website. Thanks Bill.
Copyright Note: The following images are NOT in the public domain and are protected by the copyright laws of the United States.
Stories and images used by permission of Bill Rundberg.

Front view of the Pico Cottage in late 1940's when Bill lived there