Newhall Refinery Photos
All photos were taken in November of 2009 (unless otherwise indicated). Much of the surface junk and structures have now been removed. Anything left that has a surface is covered with graffiti.

The refinery is on private property

March 2012

View west looking up Clampitt Road

View north looking down on Clampitt Road

Looking east down Clampitt Road

March 2012

March 2012

March 2012 - this building has been pretty heavily stripped down

March 2012 - closer view

Electrical wires coming out of the pvc pipes

Rusted out underground pipe. There must be a lot of these under the property.

This almost looks like an archaeological dig from some lost city

Large foundation on northwest side of refinery

These red pipes probably provided water in case of a fire

This large tank looms over the refinery

Looking west toward Sierra Highway

Old aerial photos show a second big tank in this area behind the still existing big tank

Some sort of plastic lined holding area on the west side of the road up to Beale's Cut

Nice entrance to executive building with reserved parking nearby

This and the next two wide shots were taken September 13, 2021.

The large tank was always a popular place for graffiti. Around 2017 two openings were cut out. At times, people lived inside. This and the next six shots of the tank were taken June 10, 2018.