Los Angeles County Recorder Records
Miscellaneous, Book 1, Page 209
Consolidation of the Grizzly Run and Rice Petroleum Mining Company
This agreement, made and entered into the City and County of Los Angeles, State of California, on the second day of June A.D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty five. By and between the undersigned owners of the Rice Asphaltum and Petroleum Mining Claim, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at an oak marked R, on the East side of a canon known as the Grizzly Run one thousand feet Southerly from the Rice Petroleum Spring, thence East on thousand feet, thence North two thousand feet , thence West two thousand feet, thence South two thousand feet, thence East one thousand feet to the place beginning, and the owners of the Grizzly Run Petroleum Claim, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at an oak tree marked R standing on the west side of Grizzly Canon and on the North line of the aforesaid Rice Claim, from said oak tree East on thousand feet, thence North two thousand feet, thence West two thousand feet, thence South two thousand feet, thence East one thousand feet to the place beginning.
Said Claims above mentioned are situate and located in the Los Angeles Asphaltum and Petroleum Mining District, County and State aforesaid, north of the San Fernando Range of Mountains and recorded in Book "A" of Mining Claims for said District. Witnesseth that the undersigned owners of the Claims aforesaid for the consideration of the sum of one dollar lawful money of the United States to each of them mutually paid one to the other by the parties hereto, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have agreed and do by these presents agree to consolidate their respective and mutual interests in the said Petroleum Claims and they hereby mutually convey each to the others to firmly consolidate the said Companies for the purpose of prospecting, working, boring, and developing the said Claim. And the said Companies so consolidated shall hereafter be known and called the Consolidated Rice Petroleum Mining Company. And it is further agreed that each of the undersigned parties hereto shall have and hold the same amount of interest and ownership in the Consolided Company as they heretofore held and owned in their respective locations before this Consolidation.
In witness whereof, the owners of said Claims, the undersigned parties hereto, have set their hands and seals together with the amount of the respective interests of each person in the Companies aforesaid, the day and year first above written.
Joseph Rice [Seal]
O. Morgan [Seal]
F. J. Hughes [Seal]
R. Sackett [Seal]
C. M. Small [Seal]
C. R. Conway [Seal]
Chr. Leaming [Seal]