Tick Canyon Development

The blue nearly vertical squiggly line indicates Tick Canyon. This is extracted from the Santa Clarita Valley Subdivision Activity Map of August 2010 (PDF - 7.7MB). There were two tracts planned in Tick Canyon.

The two housing tracts planned in Tick Canyon were not in the City of Santa Clarita and so were under the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Both tracts have never been built.

Park Place (TR060259) is located just east of the Pinetree tract with 492 single family units planned. It was approved by Los Angeles County. Shadow Pines Blvd. would be extended north up Tick Canyon with four lanes from its end at Grandifloras Road until it reaches Summit Knoll Road. It would evidently replace the existing dirt Tick Canyon Road. The project consisted of about 502 acres. A 34 acre park would be created. This project appears to be defunct.

In 2006, U.S. Borax sold their Tick canyon property to Monterey Homes LLC. They created the West Haven Country Club Estates project (TR069671) which includes the old Sterling Borax mine. This project would have consisted of 163 single family units in about 528 acres. The mine area will only have a horse trail through it. However, the project was denied by the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning on June 4, 2013. I do not know who owns the land now.

Closer map view of tract 060259

Tentative tract map of Tick Canyon/Park Place project

This is a close-up from the West Haven Country Club tract map. The complete map is here (PDF - 3.9MB). The Sterling Borax Mine is in the red circle.