Towsley Canyon - Aerial Photos at the Old Road
(Photos from the
Framefinder website at UCSB)

1928 - There are a lot of roads in this area. It looks like the road out of Wiley Canyon runs in the same direction as today's Wiley Canyon Road (just above the yellow "north" indicator). That's probably why that road got its name.

1930 - The Weldon Canyon cut-off has been constructed this year. It was officially dedicated and opened on July 30. This road was supposed to relieve traffic through the Newhall Tunnel.

1938 - The road was often called Weldon Canyon Road. I can't determine when it became The Old Road. Today's Wiley Canyon Road still runs below it. I also am not sure when that road was officially named.



1959 - No significant changes since 1930.

1965 - Now new things are happening. Construction for the freeway have started below The Old Road. A new housing tract is also being built.

1968 - The freeway has been completed or is nearly completed. The unusual intersection of the Old Road and Calgrove (coming up from the bottom of the photo) has been constructed. It's odd (at least to me) that it wasn't built as a "T" intersection.


2018 (from Google Maps)