NEEDHAM 1 (037-13148)

The Atlantic Oil Company drilling began Needham 1 on 7/28/1952 (the spud date). The well was completed on 8/12/1952 at a total depth of 1609 feet. Initial production was 124 bpd of 19.2 deg. gravity oil. After 30 days, production was 58 bpd of 18 deg. oil. The well was converted for water injection in the 1980's and went idle in 1986. In 2011, Needham 1 was mistakenly as York 2 (API # 037-13115). This error was discovered in 2016. Note the cap on top of the well with the York 2 API number "13115" embossed on it. In a few months from the photo date, the well was re-abandoned with the correct number. (Photo date 9/10/2017)

Closer view of wellhead with "13115" on the cap. This was very confusing until I finally was able to read the updated DOGGR well record for Needham 1 in June of 2018.

Looking to the south with Sierra Highway to the left and Needham 1 just on the left of the excavator past the red objects. (9/17/2017)

The condition of the well from the 2011 abandonment was unacceptable, so it will have to be re-abandoned. A casing head has been installed for the BOP (blowout preventer) to bolt to. Then the rig can be set up. (11/19/2017)

Workover rig in place. The well will probably have to be cleaned out and then new cement will be used to seal off various layers underground. (11/23/2017)

Another view with Highway 14 in the distance. (11/23/2017)


Closer view of wellhead. (11/23/2017)

Now the rig and BOP have been removed. (12/2/2017)

The casing has been cut off below the level of the ground. (12/10/2017)

A new section of casing will be welded to the existing casing to add around 25 feet of height. This is because grading will increase the height of this area by about 25 feet. (12/10/2017)

The extension has been welded on. It was filled with cement and will have a welded steel cap embossed with the well information. The top will be located between 5 to 10 feet below the final ground level. (12/16/2017)

During grading. (12/24/2017)

All the grading around Needham 1 has been completed. A PVC pipe has been attached to the top of the well for venting of any gases. Cement drainage channels have been built. (5/27/2018)

View of the pipe towards the south. (5/27/2018)

Building completed and pipe still sticking out of ground. (2/25/2020)

PVC pipe covered with metal lid cemented in place. (3/5/2021)