NEEDHAM 16 (037-30526)

Needham 16 was originally an "unknown" well. DOGGR went back and forth with the California Water Board to see if there were records of a water well at that location. Since DOGGR couldn't confirm exactly what kind of well it was, they named it Needham 16 and abandoned it as an oil well. There is a higher standard abandoning an oil well versus a water well. There was no dried petroleum or hardware anywhere on the ground so, in my opinion, it was a water well. The date of the well, whether oil or water, had to be after 1952 because the roads around the site were not there on a 1952 aerial map. Needham 1 - 15 were all drilled between 1952 and 1954 and that's when most of the roads in those hills were built. (Photo date 2/11/2018)

Needham 13 in the foreground. Needham 14 in the middle right below 13. Needham 16 on the road in the background. (10/31/2017)

Cut off at ground level showing an inner and outer casing. (11/05/2017)

Needham 16 on the stripped hill in the background. (11/12/2017)

Cut off pipe gone. Looks like the outer casing did not extend into the ground very far indicating that this was probably not an oil well. (11/23/2017)

Top painted red and slightly folded over. (3/25/2018)


Needham 5 in the far right. (6/17/2018)

Looks like its in the middle of nowhere. View towards west. (7/8/2018)

Rig ready to abandon well. View to the north with Needham 5 in the lower right. (8/5/2018)

At the rig showing the BOP (blowout preventer). (8/5/2018)

Closer view of wellhead in round metal cellar. Cementing has obviously been done. (8/5/2018)

Rig gone, but some work remains. (8/12/2018)

Closer view of wellhead after rig removed. (8/12/2018)

Casing and wellhead cut off about 6 feet below the surface. (8/19/2018)

Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) photo showing the hole with the cut-off casing about 6 feet below ground level. (8/15/2018)

Another DOGGR photo showing the cap before it was welded to the top of the casing. (8/15/2018)

PVC pipe for gas ventilation installed. (8/19/2018)

Construction finished. Metal vent over top of PVC pipe. (3/7/2021)