NEEDHAM 2-2 (037-12984)

Needham 2-2 was spudded on February 10, 1953, and completed on February 21, 1953. The total depth was 1848 feet. Initial production was 35 bpd of 20.7 deg. gravity oil. After 30 days, production was 22 bpd of 20.7 deg. gravity oil. The well was idled in 1986. There are no plans to officially plug and abandon Needham 2-2 at this time. (Photo date 8/27/2017)




There are some well violations here that will need to be corrected. (11/23/2017)

Fence torn down to allow the work to be done. (12/10/2017)

New hardware and plug. (12/10/2017)


Sign that was originally on the fence has been hung on the wellhead. (12/16/2017)

View towards the east. Needham 9 can just be seen on the right in the red circle. (12/16/2017)

Another view of the four new bolts and plug. (7/8/2018)


Looking north at the site after the Victor Fire in July of 2023. (8/5/2023)

Looking south after the fire. (8/5/2023)

The fire obviously reached the well head. (8/5/2023)