NEEDHAM 4 (037-13101)

The Union Oil Company of American spudded Needham 4 (originally called Needham 2 but number was changed in 1953) on 12/6/1951. The well was completed on 1/1/1952 at a total depth of 1805 feet. Initial production was 17 bpd of 31.3 deg. gravity oil. After 30 days, the well was idle. In 1991, it was tested to become an injection well, but failed the test. I'm not sure what happened here. The cellar is filled with an oily liquid. There was an oil rig here doing cement work before I took photos. (Photo date 9/3/2017)

Within a week, the liquid is gone. Old cement covering the outside of the casing has been broken off. (9/10/2017)

Broken cement removed. (9/17/2017)

Needham 14 in the foreground circle and Needham 4 in the background circle. (9/23/2017)

Needham 4 wellhead cut off below ground level. (9/23/2017)

Not much change after a month. (10/22/2017)

Cleaned up after almost another month. (11/12/2012)

Extension casing welded on to wellhead. The level of the ground will be raised in this area and the top of the well can only be 5-10 feet below ground level. (11/19/2017)

Needham 4 with Needham 14 in the background. Both have had extension casings welded on to the wellhead. Ground level will be raised here. Dirt from the surrounding hills will fill it in. (12/2/2017)

In the foreground, the extended casing of Needham 4 has been totally buried. The top of the casing for Needham 14 is barely visible behind the machinery. (12/24/2017)

There's been a lot of grading since the previous photo. The PVC pipe for venting is now installed. (7/8/2018)

Closer view. (7/8/2018)