NEEDHAM 5 (037-13102)

Needham 5 (originally called Needham 3 - renamed in 1953) was spudded by the Union Oil Company on January 4, 1952, and completed on February 6, 1952, at a total depth of 4013 feet. No oil was found, so the well was plugged and abandoned on the day it was completed. (Photo date 2/11/2018)

Needham 5 could not be found when work began on the Center at Needham Ranch. During the week of December 18 of 2017, the well was exposed during grading operations. It was buried about 12 feet underground and 60 feet from its documented location. A casing extension was welded to the existing wellhead. The first time that I saw Needham 5 well was on the date of this photo. (1/28/2018)



Needham 5 still needed to be re-abandoned. The workover rig has been set up behind the nearly buried casing in preparation for cementing. (5/6/2018)

A BOP has been installed, as required. (5/6/2018)

The cementing job has started. The pipes standing vertically on the left were probably used to pass the cement from the top to the depth required. A well is rarely cemented from the bottom all the way to the top. (5/6/2018)

Closer view of the cementing pipes. Cement stains everything. (5/6/2018)

View towards Eternal Valley. (5/10/2018)

Abandonment work done. PVC pipe installed for venting on top of the abandoned well. (5/27/2018)

View towards the northeast with Needham 5 on the right. In the left distance is Sierra Highway and Highway 14. (7/8/2018)