NEEDHAM 6 (037-13103)

Morton and Dolley spudded Needham 6 on 2/12/1953. It was completed on 2/18/1953 at a total depth of 1595 feet. Initial production was 76 bpd of 17 deg. gravity oil. After 30 days, production was 55 bpd of 17 deg. gravity oil. It was finally idled in 1986. Here the workover rig has been set up over the well. (Photo date 9/8/2017)


Further away. (9/8/2017)

Looking towards Highway 14, Sierra Highway, and the stone arch. (9/9/2017)

The BOP (blowout preventer). (9/10/2017)

Rig is done with the cementing and has left the area. (9/17/2017)

Casing has been cut off below ground level. (9/23/2017)

Looking east towards Sierra Highway. The stone arch is hidden by the huge wook chip pile. (11/12/2017)

The well has been capped off with the well name, number, and date. Also a metal pole has been welded on to indicate the well position. (12/2/2017)


Now the well is buried with the red pole showing the position. (12/24/2017)


The lowered level of the ground has exposed the wellhead. (2/11/2018)


Needham 6 in the distance with West 1 and West 2 in the foreground. Needham 6 now has the PVC venting pipe installed. (6/29/2018)

Sierra Highway in the background. (7/15/2018)

Closer view showing PVC venting pipe in July. (7/15/2018)