NEEDHAM 9 (037-13106)

Needham 9 was spudded on 4/18/1953 by Morton and Dolley. It was completed on 4/28/1953 at a total depth of 2088 feet. No oil or gas in commercial quantities was located. It was plugged and abandoned on 4/29/1953. (Photo date 8/27/2017)

Corral behind the well. A trailer was also here at one time. (9/10/2017)

Another view of the corral. It will be torn down soon. (9/10/2017)

Nothing done on this well since abandonment in 1953. (9/10/2017)

The top is open now. It will need to be re-abandoned. (9/10/2017)

Below Needham 9 is Needham 8, with the red plastic fence. Above that on the dirt road, is Needham 12. (9/10/2017)

Round metal cellar has been installed. (9/23/2017)

The cellar with the casing head. It is ready for the BOP and then the workover rig. (9/23/2017)

The rig is over on Needham 12. Only one rig is being used for this job. (9/23/2017)

Now the rig has been moved to Needham 9. (9/26/2017)


The BOP has not been installed yet, so the rig can't hook up. (9/26/2017)

Looking at the wellhead. (9/26/2017)

From above. The pipes on the left will be used to carry the cement down the well to the cementing depth. Multiple sections will be cemented separted by mud-filled sections. Wells are rarely cemented from bottom to top. (9/26/2017)

BOP installed. Rig work can begin. (10/1/2017)

A lot of trucks on site. (10/1/2017)

Closer view of BOP. (10/1/2017)

BOP removed. The work (cementing) has been completed. (10/4/2017)

The round cellar has been removed. (10/7/2017)

Top of casing cut off. (10/11/2017)

A final plug of cement has been added. (10/15/2017)



A section of casing has been welded on because future grading will be higher here. (11/23/2017)


View to the east. (12/30/2017)



Final grading height has been reached. The PVC pipe over the casing for venting has been installed. (5/27/2018)

Needham 9 is high up the slope. (5/27/2018)

A view of Needham 9 looking over the nearly finished grading of this part of the project. In the distance are wells Needham 8, 12, 13, 3, 2, and 1. (7/8/2018)

After construction completed, the PVC pipe still sticks out of the ground. (3/22/2020)