WEST 1 (037-13112)

West 1 was spudded by Morton and Dolley on 9/3/1952. It was completed on 9/16/1952 at a total depth of 1674 feet. Initital production was 106 bpd of 16 deg. gravity oil. After 30 days, production was 37 bpd of 16.6 deg. oil. The last year of production was 1993. The well was plugged and abandoned 5 feet below ground level in 2001. This photo shows both West 1 and West 2 behind fences. (Photo date 9/3/2017)
A note on "West": The wells West 1 and West 2 were located on Lot 53 of Tract 2703. During the early 1950's, this lot was owned by H. M. (Slim) West, not Henry Clay Needham. In the 1920's and 30's, this lot was owned by John Olmstead, who build the stone arch (seen on the right side of this photo) in 1926 and constructed a home that he called Live Oak Manor.

West 1 fenced in on the left and West 2 is fenced in on the right. (9/8/2017)

West 1 still fenced in on the left, but West 2 is being prepared for re-abandonment. (9/10/2017)

Looking into the hole at West 1. It was plugged and abandoned in 2001. (9/10/2017)

Cap on top of well removed. It has the well number "037 13112" embossed on it. A new one will replace it. (9/10/2017)




Good view of stone arch, which is in front of Sierra Highway with Highway 14 in the distance. West 1 is still fenced in and, in the foreground, West 2 is hidden by the pile of dirt. (9/23/2017)

Cap welded to the top of the casing embossed with well name, number, and date. This photo is from the DOGGR well records for West 1. The "037" part of the well number is not needed because that just designates the DOGGR district, which for this area is always District 2.

Now with a location marker pole. The piles of wood chips are the end results of all the schredding of bushes and trees in the project area. Much was stored here waiting for removal. (12/31/2017)


West 1 pole on left. West 2 pole on top of small hill on the right. (2/4/2018)


West 2 now with the PVC pipe for venting installed.(6/22/2018)

West 1 still with warning pole. (6/29/2018)

West 2, West 1, and the stone arch. (7/15/2018)

Finally, the PVC venting pipe for West 1 has been installed. West 2 on the left and Needham 6 (with a red cone on top) in the background. (8/22/2018)