WEST 2 (037-13113)

West 2 was spudded by Morton and Dolley on 12/13/1952. It was completed on 12/21/1952 at a depth of 1400 feet. Initial production was 9 bpd of 17 deg. gravity oil. After 30 days, production was 8 bpd of 17 deg. oil. West 2 was plugged and abandoned 5 feet below ground level in 1991. (Photo date 9/3/2017)

At this point, the concrete for the abandonment of West 2 has been tested and failed. The well will have to be re-abandoned. Here, the circular cellar has been set in the ground. West 1 is inside of the fence on the right. (9/10/2017)

Looking into the cellar at the wellhead. (9/10/2017)


The workover rig is now over the well. (9/14/2017)

The pipes on the truck on the left will be used for the new cement. (9/14/2017)

At the well. (9/17/2017)

Here, you can see the BOP (blowout preventer) attached to the wellhead. This is required before any work on the well can be done. (9/17/2017)


The rig work has been completed. The cellar has been removed and the casing cut off below the level of the ground. (9/23/2017)

Cap welded to the top of the casing embossed with well name, number, and date. This photo is from the DOGGR well records for West 2.

A location indicator pole has been attached to the well, which was then buried. That area was used to store much of the wood chips from all the schredding of bushes and trees around the project area. (12/2/2017)

An awful lot of wood chips around here. (12/24/2017)


The piles of wood chips have been removed. There has been some excavation around the well. (2/4/2018)

West 2 behind the contractor's trailers. (2/16/2018)

The PVC pipe for venting has been installed over the well. (6/29/2018)

Left to right, West 2, West 1, and the stone arch. (7/15/2018)