Wiley Lead Claim, March 11, 1865
From Los Angeles County Miscellaneous Records, Book 1, Page 206
Wiley lead
To all whom it may concern
Take notice that the undersigned has this 11th day of March A.D. 1865, taken up two claims of one thousand feet square each on this asphaltum, bitumen, napha or petroleum lead herein called the Wiley Lead. And that he claims all the asphaltum, bitumem, naptha and petroleum leads or springs within the limits of said claims, and all the lands for mining purposes therein contained. And that he intends to work the same according to the laws of the Los Angeles Asphaltum and Petroleum Mining District. Said claims are situated on the north side of the San Fernando range of mountains and bounded and described as follows to wit: Commencing at a large sycamore tree standing in the middle fork of Rincon Canon southernly from the camp at the springs known as Wiley's Springs, thence easterly 500 feet, thence northerly 1000 ft., westerly 2000 ft., thence southerly 1000 ft., thence easterly 1500 ft. to the place of beginning.
H.C. Wiley, discoverer Two claims 2000ft.
Mining Recorders Office
Los Angeles Asphaltum and Petroleum Mining District, Los Angeles, March 18th 1865.
Whereas the above named parties did on the 15th day of March A.D. 1865, make application to me the undersigned mining recorder of the district aforesaid, to be placed in possession of the mining property described in the foregoing notice. And I having proceeded to the above described premises and finding the same to be not upon private property and not before located under the laws of the district, did place the said parties on the 18th day of March A.D. 1865, in peaceable and quiet possession of said premises.
Wm. P. Reynolds, Recorder
by R. Sackett, Deputy
I herby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of a notice of location of mining claims under the laws of this mining district and was by me duly recorded in Book A of Mining Claims on the 18th day of March A.D. 1865.
Wm P. Reynolds, Recorder
by O. Morgan, Deputy
A full, true, and correct copy of the original recorded this 9th day of June A.D. 1865.
Thomas D. Mott, Recorder
by S.H. Mott, Deputy