Henry C. Wiley conveyance to Anita Wiley, May 22, 1882
Los Angeles County Recorders Office, Deeds, Book 91, pp. 68-69
Know all men by these presents:
That I, Henry C. Wiley of the County of Pima, Territory of Arizona, U.S.A., in consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid by Anita M. Wiley of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and other good and valuable consideration by me acknowledged and received so hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the said Anita M. Wiley, her heirs and assigns forever, the following described real estate situate in the County and City of Los Angeles, State of California, commencing on Fort Street at the corner of lot no. 9, block no. 4, and lot no. 10 of block no. 4, of Ords survey; thence with the line of Fort Street north easterly sixty (60) feet; thence south easterly and parallel with the line between said lots 9 & 10, 140 feet; thence south westwardly sixty (60) feet parallel with Fort Street; thence northwesterly along line between said lots 9 & 10 to the beginning, being a portion of said lot no. 10, block no. 4 of said survey.
Also the following described lots in the City and County of San Diego, State of California - viz: Lot no. four (4) block no. 427 of Old Town - lot no. two (2) block no. 450 of Old Town, lot no. four (4) block no. 380 of Old Town, lot no four (4) block no. 166 of La Playa, lot no. two (2) block no. 123 of La Playa, lot D block no 791 of New San Diego, Lot E block 804 of New San Diego, lot K block no. 799 of New San Diego, Lot I block 799 of New San Diego, and all interest I may have in any real estate situate in said County of San Diego.
To have and to hold the above granted premises to the said Anita M. Wiley as her separate property, to her heirs and assigns forever.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this 22nd day of May 1882.
Henry C. Wiley
Territory of Arizona, County of Pima
On this 22nd day of May A.D. One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-two, before me, James F. Topliff, a Commisioner of Deeds for the State of California, duly appointed, commissioned and sworn, and residing in the said Pima County, Territory of Arizona, personally appeared Henry C. Wiley known to me to be the same person whose name is subscribed to the annexed instrument and who has duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this Certificate first above written.
James F. Topliff
Commissioner of Deeds for the State of California
A full, true and correct copy of the original recorded at request of grantee June 8, 1882 at 3 min. past 9 am.
Chas C Lamb, County Recorder
By C H Dunsmoor, Deputy