Wiley Canyon Photos

Start of road/trail south into Wiley Canyon (2008)

Hiking south on the trail (9/6/2008)

Large oil seep at a probable old well location (4/4/2023)

Interesting contorted beds (3/23/2008)

Bubbling hole of oily water. Probably an oil well was here. (2/1/2008)

Looking north down an old oil road (9/28/2008)

North view (10/18/2008)

Higher up north view (10/5/2008)

Looking down and west at the bench area. Someone is sitting on the bench (10/3/2008)

Higher view toward the west. You can see the trail to Towsley Canyon loop to the right in the middle of the picture and zig-zag up the mountain. (10/3/2008)

Looking west up the second west tributary in Wiley Canyon (9/28/2008)

Higher up view of previous picture (10/3/2008)

On an old oil road (10/3/2008)

Skull and part of the spine of some unfortunate animal (10/3/2008)

Poison Oak - always a hazard in the canyons (10/18/2008)

Coming down the Towsley/Wiley trail was this rattlesnake. He appeared to be sunning himself while blocking the lizard. (3/23/2008)

Closer view. Was the lizard frozen in terror? He didn't move as I got closer. I finally had to encourage the snake to get off the trail and the lizard took off. (3/23/2008

Alligator lizard. He seems to be sunning himself with his legs tucked to his side. (12/5/2009)