Commercial 1 Abandonment
Drilled in 1901, Commercial 1 (along with Sewell & Jones 8) is the oldest of the five wells abandoned. From the DOGGR abandonment report from Excalibur Well Services, here is what was done:
12/29/11: Remove well cap and look in well, debris at 10'. Rig up 1" pvc line with water hose and wash thru debris at 10'. Fish out casing collar with make shift chicken hook tool. Rig up and dropped 300 pounds of zonite in side 5 1/2' and 100 linear feet in side of 4 1/2'.
12/30/11: Move in rig up cement equipment and 1" hose to cement. Mix and pump 90 cubic feet of class G cement in side casing. Wait 1.5 hours, mix and pump 55 cubic feet of cement to surface.
1/3/12: Move in rig up cement equipment and 1" top off hose. Mix and pump 50 cubic feet of cement to surface and 50 cubic feet of cement down annulus, cement at surface but falling.
1/6/12: Move in with surface equipment, dig up and cut well head. No top off needed.
1/9/12: Surface crew welded the API plate with the # 037-13232 to the casing and back filled the well location.

Commercial 1 on 2/13/2010. At one time, the pipe entering the well was used for water disposal.

Another view on 2/13/2010

View of the cementing truck for Commercial 1. Unfortunately, I missed all the work to get the well ready for cementing. (12/30/2011)

View of the well site after cementing operation. The cement was nearly at the top of the well. Here are some of the tools used for cementing. The flexible hose would have come from the cementing truck nearby. (12/30/2011)

Closer view of well (12/30/2011)

Still closer (12/30/2011)

Cement not to top yet (12/30/2011)

Looking down well (12/30/2011)

Cemented to top (1/3/2012)

Another view (1/3/2012)

Letting cement dry (1/5/2012)

Top of casing cut off near surface (1/6/2012)

Another view (1/6/2012)

Plate welded to top of casing with an API well number. All wells are assigned a well number. (1/11/2012)

Closer view of well number (1/11/2012)

Well buried with metal sign to mark position (1/14/2012)

Site looks a little greener after one month (2/25/2012)

Closer view of rusting sign (2/25/2012)