Tunnel Area wells - West of Sierra Highway - North part

This 2016 Google Earth image is the area is where most of the Center at Needham Ranch business park is being constructed. This was taken before work began. Almost all of the oil well locations are indicated on this image.
There are 17 wells in the business park that will be abandoned or re-abandoned during the first part of the construction project. I have many photos of all the wells in various stages of abandonment so each well has its own webpage.

Ram-type Blowout Preventer (BOP). This device is used to prevent blowouts - the uncontrolled release of crude oil or natural gas - from a well. A BOP will be seen on the well head of all the photos on these pages that show rigs. They are required by DOGGR for safety reasons.

Workover rig used on the wells.

Pile of vent cones.

Closeup of vent cone (for Needham 16). Photo by Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR).

The oil contractor is AllenCo. They are doing the well abandoning and any other oil well related tasks.